William Winlock Miller High School of Olympia, Washington – Class of 1974 Alumni
The 50th Reunion Class Pictures
Full 50th Reunion Classmates
Boston Harbor
St Micheals
Donate to Reunion Fund
OHS Fight Song Fight, fight, fight for Olympia High. Win that victory. We’re going to Fight, fight, fight, for the BLUE and WHITE. You do your best BEARS and we’ll do the rest… So on on on on on till the end. With honor and glory, We will win…we will win. So FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT for Olympia High and VICTORY O-L-Y-M-P-I-A H-I-G-H S-C-H-O-O-L B-E-A-R-S Go Bears!!
Make new friends, but keep the old, one is Silver and the other isBlueandWhite!
“Looking forward to this reunion as neither I nor my wife of 50 years made it to any of the last reunions” – “Looking forward to this event. I went to the 10 year and didn’t show until the 40th. Super glad I went!” – “I thought it would be fun, but it was even better than expected. So good to see everyone!”
“Thank you for reaching out. I appreciate your work and effort on what must be a very expansive and daunting project. I have been living in Olympia for the last 30+ years but only know two members of our class in Olympia, off the top of my head. I will however, consider attending the reunion. Thank you again for the information. “ – “The created reunion page is very impressive.”