William Winlock Miller High School of Olympia, Washington – Class of 1974 Alumni
45th Reunion
Olympia High School - Class of 1974
45th Reunion - September 7th, 2019
Our 45th Class Reunion was held on September 7th, 2019 at Percival Landingon the Olympia waterfront.
We gathered at the Oly Taproom and had our evening activities next door at The Olympia Center.
We had several appetizer stations located through the venue featuring local foods! + Fresh Lumpias from Sue Riveria‘s niece Rachelle’s Lumpias + Oysters from Olympia Oyster House + Crab Cakes from Budd Bay Cafe + Burger’s with Goop from Eagan’s Tumwater + Lasagna fromPellegrino’s! + Pizza from Shakeys! + Veggie and Fruit trays, Cakes and Desserts
Alumni John Christopherson, owner of Hoh River Brewery was our Brewmeister, providing an Original OLY Lager brewed by Well 80 and Paul Knight, former brewmaster at The Olympia Brewing Company!!
The OLY was complemented with a Hazy IPA and a Pineapple Hefeweizen from Hoh River Brewing.
The following pictures were taken by various photographers at the event, including Scott Marshall, Art Rusche, Greg Stohl, Scott Soper,
The Olympia Center
Photo Booth Pictures ~ More to come! ~
Grade School Pictures ~ More to come! ~
Sunday Brunch
Vanessa made several team painted chairs for prizes!
Mike Geary gave away many Amethyst points!
Please send any of your pictures to be included on this site to art@olyclassof74.com.
Your 45th OHS Class of 1974 reunion team. Art Rusche, Vanessa Butler, Linda Taylor Holt, John Christopherson, Dale & Judy Johnson, Scott Marshall, Kay Munson, Kim Beerbower, Scott Soper, Stacy Sjolund, Vicki Uffen, Mike Geary and many more!